Entries are now being accepted for the 2013 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation. The deadline for receipt of materials is 31 March 2013. According to UNESCO, in addition to the conservation awards, the "Jury Commendation for Innovation" will also be considered for newly-built structures which demonstrate outstanding architectural design that is well-integrated into historic contexts.
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Winners will be announced in August

To be considered for the awards, the conserved or restored heritage structure, place or property must be over 50 years old. This also applies to settlements and landscapes.
The following are eligible for consideration: Residential, commercial and institutional buildings; religious properties; urban and rural settlements/historic towns and villages; archaeological heritage; cultural landscapes, parks and gardens; military properties; modern heritage; agricultural, industrial and technological properties; burial monuments and sites; cultural routes; vernacular architecture; and symbolic properties and memorials.
The work must have been completed within the preceding 10 years at the time of submission. For buildings with a new use, the project must also have been occupied or put to viable use for at least one year at the time of submission.
Entries which have been previously submitted will not be eligible for resubmission unless invited to do so by the jury, or unless substantial additional restoration has been carried out since the previous submission.
Entries for the programme must be submitted with an official entry form, project description using the provided official format, drawings and photographs in hard copy and on CD-ROM to UNESCO Bangkok.
Award of Excellence, which demonstrates exceptional achievement in all criteria and has major catalytic impact at the national or regional level;
Award of Distinction, which demonstrates outstanding achievement in all criteria and has significant impact at the national or regional level;
Award of Merit, which demonstrates superior achievement in all criteria;
Honourable Mention, which demonstrates noteworthy achievement in selected criteria.
In 2005, UNESCO launched the Jury Commendation for Innovation. The Jury Commendation recognises newly-built structures which demonstrate outstanding architectural design that is well-integrated into historic contexts.Since 2000, UNESCO has received 469 entries from 24 countries. A total of 148 projects have received Awards for exemplary conservation efforts, while 8 projects have received the Jury Commendation for Innovation.
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